Everything You Need To About Construction Submittals
Introduction to Construction Submittals-
Construction Submittals plays a significant role in a construction project. And yes, if they can use efficiently, the issues that occur during construction phase can get resolves in the initial stages and will get easier to fix. The following article answers some of the fundamental questions regarding construction submittals and the overall submittal process.
Ever seen a desk buried under a stack of reports in your office? Chances are they might be the Construction Submittals. Do you know what these submittals are? They are the samples of designs, shop drawings, diagrams, schedules, and data that are ready to deliver to Architects, Engineers or the stakeholders. These documents or designs are termed as Construction Submittals. Submittals are utilized as a tool to track the construction progress and materials being used as well as making sure that every little thing is in agreement and with the contract.
What are Construction submittals?
The submittals are the shop drawings, product data, various samples or the mock-ups to deliver to the design professionals including the architect or the engineer for review and action as requires by the contract documents.
The Construction submittals plays an essential role during the pre-construction process as well as they are in need throughout a construction project from start to end. Submittals can also periodical, monthly or weekly for review with any documents necessary for the project execution.
The other submittals may include the product data, warranty samples, brochures and various technical data regarding the materials used in the construction project.
There are various types of construction submittals forming a part of the construction process. These also include actions submittals, information submittals those provided as a part of project closeouts and maintenance material. The most significant element of the submittal process is the preparation, review, and approval of the shop drawings.
What are Shop Drawings in Construction Submittals?
The drawings, diagrams, schedules and other data mainly prepared for the work by the contractors or the sub-contractors, manufacturers, suppliers or distributors to highlight some portion of the work are termed as Shop drawings.
What the primary intent of shop drawings is? To allow the design professional to secure graphic representation from the general contractor. Or as to how installing contractor aims to complete the work for which submittals are required.
Common Preconstruction submittals comprises of:
- Quality Control Assessment Plan
- Mishap Prevention Plan
- Preliminary Cost-Loaded Schedule
- Environment protection plan
- Much more depending on the contract and the project.
Submittal documentation helps in providing a cushion to avoid installation, scheduling, safety, and material issues. And as well as benefits in providing a high-level of detail which mostly is not mentioning in the original design documents. All the construction submittals should also review and accepted by the clients. It can also help a kick-start for the work to begin.
From the contractor’s perspective, you can hope that the client will approve the construction submittals promptly so that you don’t get stuck.
A contractor or the client uses the submittal register to track the submittals required for a particular construction project. Most often, the Excel spreadsheets can also use, but in the current evolving construction trends. There is an introduction of some software systems to track the submittals.
The Construction Submittals review furnishes essential system checks and balances during the construction phase of the project. The purpose is to assure that the final result fulfills to the design intent represented in the construction documents. It also completes the expectations of the owner. During the preconstruction meeting, it is also vital for the owner, architect, and contractor to get the crystal-clear understanding as to the roles and responsibilities assigned while implementing the submittal process. This process involves some potential risks that must appropriately manage.
Well, this is the primary overview of Construction Submittals for those who are new in the construction industry. Hope you find it informative!