Modern Construction Gets Better With Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality The Trend Of Modern Construction
Augmented reality refers to an indirect or a live direct view of a physical/ real-world environment whose elements are supplemented by computer-generated data. The main advantage of augmented reality over virtual reality is that augmented reality is in real time and encompasses environmental elements. Augmented reality conveys out the modules of the digital world into an individual’s external real world.
This technology involves the convergence of cameras, mobile devices, data, and live end users, creating a multi-dimensional, real-time, interactive virtual environment that is obscured on real world vivid imagery.
Within the past few years advancements in AR technology have grown enormously and at a break-neck speed. Though AR technology is still in its inception stages with time reductions in the cost of equipment will enable its wide spread use. Apps like Nearest tube make use of augmented reality to make it easier to locate underground locations, stations and their distances from a singlepoint.
Construction Industry Skeptical About AR Leads In Delay
Image of A construction worker wearing a smart helmet with augmented reality capabilities.
The construction industry has been particularly slow in adopting AR partly due to some of the challenges associated with the use of this technology.
-The cost of this technology.
The price of this technology is a prime reason for it not being used widely in the sector, since its exorbitant prices make it accessible only to large construction and architectural firms. The high upfront fees demanded make smaller construction companies shy away from this technology. That high price tag will certainly lessen as AR technology advances, and more competition enters the market, but that progression tends to be slow.
-Augmented Reality
Construction firms need software that is totally reliable to avoid losses and costs from inaccurate data. Augmented reality may not give accurate distances. An example is for water lines located underground, should an excavation be ongoing at this point; the data should be dependable and precise to prevent the destruction of the water line.
-It’s reliance on the static
AR technology works in a static environment that is free from vibrations and dynamic movements. For construction sites, this is not the case as dynamic movements of machinery and equipmentis experienced continually on site.
An Augmented Reality app for the construction industry by BIMevoke.
Huge benefits from this technology can be enjoyed on a large scale basis if they can manage to fix these issues. With the ability to depend on computers to organize all this data, end users can spend more time designing, interpreting, and build with that data creating efficient projects.
With companies like String Labs consistently undertaking innovations in this technology the future of augmented reality in construction looks promising.