What more to expect in 2018 about BIM? Explore the looming trends!
BIM- Building Information Modeling is extensively gaining popularity in construction. With enhanced adoption in the coming year, these are few of the looming trends in BIM to check out for:
1. 4D, 5D and 6D BIM
In 2018, more and more businesses are in demand to move ahead of 3D BIM to 4D, 5D, and also 6D BIM. 4D BIM presents the visual representation of the construction program. 5D BIM and 6D BIM combine two properties to 3D BIM, i.e., costs & materials. Along with the standard design parameters, specifications such as geometrics, aesthetics, and thermal and acoustic features are now covered in a project to facilitate engineers to check how a resolution influences the costs of design at an early stage. 6D BIM principally concentrates on the long-term basis. The modern versions of BIM maximize the return on their expense.
You can also check in detail information about 4D & 5D BIM here!
2. IoT- Internet of Things
IoT- Internet of Things is transforming the system installers and modelers function. Including Cloud apps like the ABB Switch Range Configurator or the Rexel Wholesale Connector, modeling and management are also growing much easier. IoT starts releasing BIM data to prefab workshops, suppliers or modelers leisurely. With relevant data, designing can be done directly using ready-to-order products so that it will be delivered directly to the construction site.

Also, read What Is Internet of Things(IoT)?
3. Augmented/VR Reality
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (VR & AR) are bringing in massive transformations in the AEC Industry. Virtual Reality, as it permits installers to observe extensive 3D models through glasses, it makes it remarkably suitable for providing project presentations to the client. Augmented Reality will be coming up as an outstanding training tool for managing clash testing on site. With AR, the opportunities for remote management are limitless.

4. Modular construction & prefabrication
There will be more focus on modular construction and prefabrication in 2018. Modular construction supports in decreasing costs and stimulating the construction method as the building components are previously prepared and gathered in the yards before the construction starts.

As moving with time, it will be possible to prefabricate more MEP components from the prefab concrete walls and floors. Advanced software abilities are leading to faster assembly of elements, bringing in more dynamic workflows from design to prefabrication and also installation. MEP technicians can now generate prefab drawings from the data available in BIM models.
5. More choices in BIM tools
A trend that is now extending within the construction industry is as per the user’s requirements. There will be an adaption of more and more products. Modelers are free to select the tools of their choice on which they want to work. For example, an engineer who mostly has to establish valves does not need a costly software package with all the adjustments. While there is the growing trend of utilizing all-in-one packages that give lots of merged software functionality. More benefits on the way to BIM!
6. Mobile cloud applications
In 2018, use of mobile cloud applications in construction will keep on making its mark. Utilizing apps like the Trimble Connect app, associates will stay collaborated in the cloud from the design phase to delivery phase. Engineers will proceed to get access to real-time data via smartphone, tablet, and computer. Different people can simultaneously view Real-time data from construction and design process at various locations. BIM models are easy to share with the construction site, and report from the construction site could pass quickly, promoting a productive collaboration.
7. 3D laser scans and drones
BIM models will get enhanced with data in 2018. There will also be the creation of Point clouds by transferring a 3D laser scan at the construction site. Thus, the scan gives realistic 3D dimensions of the building site and also the data aids in forming the BIM model. Drones will also be used frequently in construction projects, allowing capturing real-time data which will help in producing more reliable BIM models

3D Laser Scans
8. 3D printing
3D printing technology is gaining tremendous progress in the construction industry. The technology has the fabulous potential for producing remarkably accurate building elements in a comparably short time and also with the least material loss. The use of 3D printing within a BIM process is for quickly creating prototypes for sharing with construction associates, co-workers or for manufacturing elements and prefab material. Hence, 3D printing technology is progressing to expand much more in 2018!
9. Direct product ordering
2018 is going to witness further co-operation among manufacturers, suppliers and also BIM software developers. Brand-new installation of engineering products is incredibly becoming accessible for sale as BIM objects, also involving current product data like article numbers and dimensions. Due to the accessibility of the information, products can be bought directly from within the model. Such types of tools avoid duplication of work.
10. Progressing green
BIM is successively providing viable benefits to construction. By using materials and energy resources into account already throughout the design phase, buildings can also be built more energy efficient. One can perform massive savings on energy costs and CO2 emission by applying the best product and material. In the design stage, the demolishing of a building can also simulate. Thus, it leads to demolition or recycling of a building with least effort and loss.

Going Green