What Are The Best 5 Trending Technology In Construction

Top 5 Construction Technology Trends 2017 

big data

There seems a big boom of technology in the construction sector in the current scenario. Cloud computing is gaining momentum. Profuse use of cloud computing along with Mobile Apps, Holographic headsets, Big data and Virtual reality designs are expecting significant deployment in the construction sector.


Now everyone knows about cloud computing, but as far as construction industry is concern it is gaining momentum in 2017. If I will write about construction technology trends without cloud computing it will possibly feel like I am constructing house without cement. Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services—servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics and more—over the Internet (“the cloud”). Almost every construction company is using and trying to use to release their headache by following benefits .


-Easy roll out

-Pay as you go

-Spread out cost

-Frequent updates

-Maintenance free

-Focus growth


Cell phone and tablets are in boom! Sorry SMART Phone and PHABLETS are in boom they are becoming more popular on the field to solve all construction drawing jargons. In-addition to their user friendliness the cloud and faster mobile and Wi-Fi networks, increased mobility and acuteness keep the industry hopping. Yes I am talking about mobility; which is the chartbuster in 2017 also. Key component of mobility at the construction site are: mobile workforce, real-time information and handy information. A survey by Sage Software which is done on over 600 construction professionals from small and midsized firms, 33% feel the need to improve communication and collaboration, 32% want to streamline processes and over 80% think that mobile technology is a high or moderate priority.

Implementation of mobility in construction companies is equal to following things

-Reduced error= Less Cost

-Refined Project Management= More Efficiency

-Real Time Analysis= Quickness

-More Technological Device = Need of More control environment


In the construction industry, big data means bulk data that have been kept continuously till date. Agents of Big data are people, computers, machines, sensors, and any other data-generating device; that’s why it is big. Naturally whatever is built till date is a Big Date in the form of plans and records of building.

Give me meaningful Data

The need of bridling big data is to achieve accurate clicks and make better decisions in construction management by accessing significantly more data, and calculating it to draw real life project conclusions. Big data analytics can enable to analysis and forecast certainties and uncertainties of every construction.


What is this: – the tool which allows you to design and make alterations in the physical environment where you’ll be building.

It is Super Natural Infant: – it in their infancy, using holographic headsets in augmented reality could offer real benefits in the form of faster builds with fewer mistakes, resulting in substantial cost efficiencies for builders.

This infant can become future HULK?

The headset which uses two 1440 x 1440 OLED panels for its display, making it higher resolution than both the Rift and the Vive. With no external camera necessary, it will use inside-out, six degrees-of-freedom tracking.


More Relevant, More Reliable and fast paced technology that is how we can define Virtual Reality. If Facebook, Google, and Microsoft can make virtual into reality by building tools or buying companies, then there is no second thought that engineers and architects are already digging for this technology in their own refinement at work.

Top 2 are in race:-

-Unity: – Translating CAD or BIM models into virtual reality experiences used to take considerable time and programming know how. With the advent of the Unity gaming engine, bringing Revit/3D models into a virtual reality space becomes much easier.

-Fuzor: – Fuzor does for construction industry is instantly transform Revit or Sketchup models into virtual reality This is a popular tool for construction as speeds up the process to get designs into VR – allowing users to improve on their designs. Are these technology trends enough to change the creativity of the four walls? I am positive about this endeavors which will bring to us faster, refined and designer future in 2017

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What Are The Best 5 Trending Technology In Construction
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Tags for this article

  • big data
  • big data analytics
  • cloud computing
  • computer
  • construction companies
  • construction industry
  • mobile apps
  • phablet
  • revit
  • unity
  • virtual reality

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