How BIM Assists To Improve The Design Of Construction Project?

Building Information Modeling Enhances Construction

BIM means Building Information Modeling widely in use in the design phase of a construction project life cycle. The 3D digital information model of all kinds of the building can generate by using BIM.

BIM technology is relatively more advanced as well as useful than the CAD technology.

Though CAD technology also enables the users to develop 3D models for all types of building projects, it has many disadvantages. Including, it does not allow 3D coordination. Also, the 3D CAD models do not have any capability to hold project information.

BIM (building information modeling) has successfully removed the restrictions of CAD because it enables the users to develop effective building information model that consists of comprehensive information about a construction project.

Building information modeling also allows 3D coordination of various engineering trades. Though the building information modeling technology has an immense usage in the pre-construction phase of a project, it is also significantly used in the construction as well as a post-construction phase as well.

How Building Information Modeling aids to produce a proper plan for the construction project?

In the pre-construction phase, BIM technology is used throughout the entire phase i.e. from starting to end.

building information modeling

When the building project is in the phase of execution, the use of BIM starts from developing the conceptual design to producing final 3D coordination. It also helps in extracting constructing drawing.

Nowadays all the pre-construction activities get to perform on the BIM platform. The BIM related software consists of many advanced features that help the users to perform their tasks successfully.

The building information model includes complete information about the building and it’s all individual parts. The model enables users to view the entire project design with information in the 3D space from all possible angles.

Therefore, the users can efficiently analyze the entire design  & decide whether any modification is necessary or not. One of the useful benefits of BIM is it assists users to develop 3D coordination model by merging the architectural, structural, mechanical HVAC, electrical and plumbing engineering disciplines together in a precise manner.

This 3D coordination model helps the professionals to identify and resolve clashes among the elements of the above-mentioned engineering disciplines. It is another way of enhancing the design quality of the building. The collaborative design approach of BIM enables to perform various tasks. The project team members to share their works as well as other important information with each other effectively.

Thus, all the team members collectively can trace the work progress. Also, they can take an effective decision regarding the project design and workflows.

In this manner, BIM helps the design & construction professionals to improve the design quality of the building in an elegant way.

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How BIM Assists To Improve The Design Of Construction Project?
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  • BIM
  • Building Information Modeling
  • civil engineers
  • future of architecture
  • future of construction

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