Use Of BIM In Indian AEC Industry.
How Does BIM Innovate The AEC Industry
The Indian Government has outstandingly attracted capital for multi-billion dollar investments in its various utilities including transport and urban infrastructure. The India’s construction AEC industry is, therefore, flourishing in a fast-paced setting new standards in the development sector. This comes at a time when the global development standards practices are depending more and more on the sustainability and technology as a crux factor of the advancements in the building projects. At the same time, an exclusive technology has drawn the attention of the whole AEC industry – BIM modeling, which is changing the way how the project planning can be done with ease.
BIM is a unique development that has recently engulfed the AEC industry worldwide. It has merely provided a relative means for ‘rethinking’ the design, construction, and operation of our development arena. The biggest attraction of BIM is its intelligence to execute the collaborative activities. The UK and the US have seen an awe-inspiring roll out BIM, but India is still in its early stages of embracing this extensive technology.
BIM is a technology-driven concept when enmesh within the issues connected to people, processes and the various organization has the potential to impact the industry considerably. Considering the worldwide adoption of BIM, a clear division can be seen in the developed economies and the looming economies. The low adoption of BIM in the developing world as well as in India has been noted. Finding the low adoption rate in India, we are aiming at finding out the drivers and barriers to the use of BIM.
The current situation in India’s Construction Industry and BIM Implementation
It has been seen that the use of BIM in India is still in its burgeoning phases, although the adoption seems to trend in the past few years. The AEC industry is implementing BIM modeling but at a gradual pace. Therefore, there is a wide range of opportunities for BIM management to take off quickly. India is a bit uncertain when it comes to accepting new technologies, and also they have a specific shortage of BIM experts and expertise. The next reason for the slow adoption is because of massive primary investment and may be because of slow and little involvement from Government side. However, the AEC sector is just a step away from savoring the colossal benefits that BIM implementation can put forth.
India is expeditiously appreciating that BIM modeling is vital for the engineers, builders, designers, and architects allowing them to be on the same page at the time of design and development of the building.
An Indian outlook
BIM is the next generation cutting-edge construction technology that is entirely changing the design aspect in the construction industry worldwide. Though it is comparatively a newer technology in India, it is swiftly gaining the recognition amongst the architects and developers. Initially, BIM is extensively used by the engineers and the consultants who are uprightly implementing the technology to boost work efficiency, time-saving and resources.
The Architects and Engineers are also utilizing this newest tool to push the design envelope and delve into the brand-new concepts and techniques in the architectural services and MEP requirements. The project stakeholders also make use of BIM to improve coordination through its design and practical building competencies.
A key benefit of BIM is the creation of an ambiance where the designers, architects, clients, material producers and the construction companies can work in sync with a sole goal of achieving the best possible solution. BIM is not just a high-tech solution, but it helps facilitate new ways of working together in a more collaborative and systematic process. In India BIM is known as Virtual Design and Construction (VDC). India is one of the rising markets in the construction sector having an enormous potential for large-scale residential and commercial development. There are many qualified experts and trained professional who are implementing this particular BIM technology in Indian construction project and also helping the teams in the US, UK, Middle-East, Australia to design and deliver the building projects using BIM.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) can be considered as a paramount evolution in the design sector. While CAD is the traditional drawing tool used extensively in the construction industry, BIM is a precursor. BIM partially automates every little detailing of the building-level; it redistributes the allocation of effort, laying more insistence on the conceptual design.
The other main advantages of BIM includes easy and handy methods across all drawings and reports, automating spatial interference checking, providing a secure base for interfacing analysis, simulation, cost applications and boosting visualization/communication at all the stages of the project. BIM is a new and auspicious advent in India which is gently gaining acknowledgment by the owners, Architects, engineers, and builders. When using in the actual construction field, BIM caters better communication and integration of the information across different trades allowing for efficient work process and better decisions.
Is your project BIM ready? Savor the benefits of BIM; enhance the productivity by sound planning, scheduling and tracking the on-goings on the job-site.