Understand What Does 5D BIM Mean For Cost Managers in WednesdayQuizMaster
Let’s first know what actually is 5D BIM?
In a very simple language, BIM is the process of creating information models or the data sets formed of graphical or non-graphical information in a shared digital space. The information builds in richness as the project phases develop until it is completely handed over to the client.
As you create an information model, you can add scheduling data to various components that will obviously generate accurate program data for your project. Adding a schedule to your project is termed as 4D BIM. The next step is to generate accurate cost estimates from the components of the information model which is called as 5D BIM.
Now let’s see what will 5D BIM mean for the cost managers? How is it helpful?
5D BIM is where we have taken the graphical 3D model and implemented cost information to it to quickly generate the estimates. The process has freed up the Cost Managers time and allows them to add greater value by validating information and verify if the scope has been accurately captured.
Traditionally, Cost Managers develop estimates on the completed designs. With the advent of BIM in the construction sector, 5D BIM allows the Cost Managers to quickly price iterations and provide real-time feedback to their project team and thus, helping them to develop proposals in line with the set budgets.
How 5D BIM Effective for BIM Modeling? Click Here to Know More!