Why is BIM Necessary for Smart Cities?
BIM for smart cities- BIM is now no more an option but it’s a necessity. In every infrastructure project, various teams work together. One group looks after planning, another one takes the responsibility of designing, yet another one does the construction, and the remaining others take supervision of the maintenance. In such scenarios importance of BIM is growing.
The most significant benefit of BIM is that it facilitates collaboration and management of information and communication between the teams associated with a construction project. In the conventional process of functioning, some of the asset information is lost whenever one team assigns the project to another. Thus, it leads to wastage concerning revenue as well.
BIM succeeds these shortcomings by including information versatility and making everyone use the similar set of processes and standards. As a result, asset information consistently rises over the lifecycle of the project. Implementing BIM facilitates architects and engineers to obtain informed design options, and constructors reduce waste and complete their projects at a particular time. Thus, saving on expenditures incurred due to avoidable delays.
A city is never in isolation with BIM. A building remains integrated continuously with other bases like the transportation system, utilities, etc. Hence it is a challenging task to accomplish, but that’s the excellence of BIM. Projects that implement BIM open up the opportunities for collaboration and a free flow of standardized information across systems.
Furthermore, BIM is widely in use in the Architecture, Construction and Engineering industries.
Analyzing the concept of a Smart City and BIM, the most significant specific factor is information and easy access to it. 3D models also lived in a world of architecture for a long period.
The use of BIM is now across the whole infrastructure lifecycle.

bim lifecycle
3D modeling and BIM for smart cities
BIM and 3D modeling are a boon for Smart Cities. The 3D software allows constructors to level model infrastructure to build underground. While making a city, the workers know how deep to dig it to not break into a fiber optic cable or a gas pipeline. Drainage, highway and bridge architects can work with the similarly immersive model. Since all this is geo-referenced, an exact geographic design is a reward.
A host of BIM and GIS-enabled answers are possible for smart cities, involving MicroStation, ProjectWise, and also AssetWise. Regarding buildings, the 3D GIS abilities of Bentley Map and also Descartes release the companies to create design, model, edit and also to analyze 3D solids. Even outline for the line of sight, darknesses, lighting, skyline studies, are also desirable. Smart models facilitate more knowledgeable decisions that impact the durability and performance of the construction.
Now check the Adoption of BIM
With UK authorizing the implementation of BIM on every government project, governments and all across the globe are becoming serious about BIM. Furthermore, in Europe, nations like France, Spain, and Germany have advanced the adoption of BIM standards. Dubai is the country which has already implemented the BIM technology. Singapore has announced a roadmap for BIM. And also, just like the UK, New Zealand has also made it mandatory to apply BIM for significant infrastructure projects. Adoption of BIM is also gaining momentum in India because of the government’s “100 Smart Cities” projects. However, the Nordic nations of Norway, Denmark, and Sweden are pioneers in the BIM field because they adopted BIM as early as 2004-2005.
Thus, to conclude, in the generation of IoT and Big Data, exerting BIM to City planning and management appears merely to be the next logical step.
“Once BIM adopted, opportunities in BIM are limitless!”
“Digital innovation and BIM technology can transform the process of design, construction, and management of smart buildings and smart cities. The future of our cities looks bright.”