Why Not Recycled Concrete?
Recycle & Reuse
Recycling has become significant in many industries. It is easy to recycling almost everything, from paper to old windows. Everything except concrete – the most widely used material – that has been left behind.
The Idea Behind Recycled Concrete
To reduce harm made by concrete, scientists focus on things like finding new uses for concrete and reducing its production. In the US, recycled concrete can be used in roads but not in buildings or other structures. However, scientists search for ways to make recycled concrete robust and durable and use it in buildings.
Research show that there is more supply of the material than demand. What scientists are trying to do is to increase demand and find ways to use recycled concrete in engineering and other industries.
The Future
Researchers test different types of recycled concrete to analyze its structure and other properties such as durability, weigh-bearing abilities, and so on. They are also trying to find ways to build structures with recycled concrete utilizing its properties. Scientists use recycled concrete with other materials to find the best solution for architectures, engineers, and constructors. Nowadays, it is forbidden to use recycled concrete in buildings, but if scientists find ways to ensure its durability and stability, the way we use concrete might change.
According to statistics, recycled concrete has the potential to reduce the environmental impact by 50%, which will include reduced transportation costs and decreased water usage. Scientists also say that recycled concrete can be stronger than natural concrete and it is just a matter of time when recycled concrete will be used in buildings.
Of course, you cannot see the immediate positive impact of recycled concrete. However, if you think about built infrastructure 50 years later, this will have a huge impact on the environment.